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Automated Material Handling Trend And Market Planning Analysis

China is a large manufacturing country, with 39 industrial categories, 191 medium categories and 525 sub categories. It is a country with all the industrial categories in the United Nations Industrial Classification in the world, thus forming an industrial system unparalleled in the world and complete factory automation industry. But on the whole, we are still at the middle and low-end level, and the automated material handling industry is at the end of the industrial chain. The current situation of the automated material handling industry has great opportunities for development!


Automated material handling has gradually replaced the centralized factory management system. As an important part of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, industrial automation control industry is expected to usher in good development opportunities. According to the data, the market scale of China's industrial automation industry reached 189.5 billion yuan in 2019, with a year-on-year increase of 1.61%. It is estimated that the market size of China's industrial automation industry will reach 19.6 billion yuan in 2021 and 2087 billion yuan in 2022.


In recent years, the concepts of industry 4.0 and made in China 2025 are so popular that many enterprises blindly follow the trend and simply think that factory automation is industry 4.0. Automated material handling enterprises should pay more attention to the solution of factory automation technology and skills in the actual production process. When the enterprise develops to integrate information as the core technology into the whole production cycle of products, the era of industry 4.0 will also come naturally. Therefore, automated material handling enterprises should first analyze their own production process and real process needs, implement targeted automation transformation, and finally achieve industry 4.0.


With the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution, the universal implementation of automated material handling has become the inevitable trend of factory development. For the current situation of industrial development in China, the opportunities for the development of automated material handling are obvious.


At present, the global manufacturing industry is undergoing the transformation of digitalization, networking and intelligence. The introduction and integration of big data, artificial intelligence, 5g, visual recognition and other technologies will profoundly change the automation industry and the enterprises it serves, and become a new engine for growth. In the future, the integration of new technology and automatic control will bring the productivity of the factory to a new level.


In order to achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, many departments in China have successively launched relevant policies and guidance to promote the implementation of all-round energy conservation and emission reduction, promote the high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented manufacturing industry, build a green manufacturing system, and promote the green management of product life cycle. Compared with traditional production lines, industrial automation production lines have greater advantages in raw material utilization, production efficiency and product yield, which help to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions and meet the national demand for energy conservation and emission reduction.


The automated material handling industry research report aims to start with the national economic and industrial development strategy, analyze the future policy trend of automated material handling and the development trend of the regulatory system, tap the market potential of the automated material handling industry, and provide a vivid description of market changes from multiple perspectives, such as industrial scale, industrial structure, regional structure, market competition, industrial profitability, based on in-depth research in key market segments, Clear development direction.